# Errors

Code Message
000 Zygo portal undergoing maintenance.
001 Internal Error.
100 Authentication failed.
101 Service Locked. Another ticket is processing.
102 You do not have permission to update this Bar
103 You do not have permission to update this Bolt On
104 service missing.
105 You do not have premission to access this service.
200 barCode missing.
201 ticketType missing.
202 message missing.
203 file missing.
204 boltonCode missing.
205 newName missing.
206 contractCode missing.
207 templateCode missing.
208 newSIM missing.
208 sim missing.
209 customer missing.
300 sim invalid.
301 ticketType invalid.
302 Service is not Active.
303 'text' exceeds maximum length of 459.
400 Could not find Service.
401 Could not find Ticket
402 SIM not available to Customer
403 Could not find Contract
404 Could not find Template
405 Could not find APN